Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Day 4: The Trouble with Susan

Today was Narnia day. We discussed C.S. Lewis and how he gave the character Susan the shaft (IMOH). 

We then had a visit to Christ Church, I saw the great hall, the dining room in Harry Potter, and there is a beautiful stained glass window for Alice. 

Next we went to Christ Church Library, where yes, I set off the alarm while taking pictures, awesome. 

And then I gate-crashed the group going to the Merton library, as my seminar group was not going, but I pushed in with another group. What a beautiful campus! I saw the deer park, and the table where Tolkien sat. 

Then at night we got to see a one man show of Jekyll and Hyde at the Blackwell book shop, amazing!

Alice display at Christ Church Library.  Yes, I set off the alarms taking this, so worth it
Alice display at Christ Church Library. Yes, I set off the alarms taking this, so worth it
a very Alice-like gate to Merton gardens
a very Alice-like gate to Merton gardens
Merton College, sooooo beautiful
Merton College, sooooo beautiful
Tolkien's Table at Merton College
Tolkien's Table at Merton College
Jekyll and Hyde poster
Jekyll and Hyde poster

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