Monday, July 01, 2013

Day 2: Lewis Carroll

We had a seminar this morning discussing the definition of fantasy and how Alice in Wonderland relates. 

Then a bunch of us went for some delicious curry, and a lecture this afternoon that felt more like an 8 page stream of consciousness about weavers, spiders, and Shakespeare. I learned to "Beware of the weavers" didn't really get why, but it made my knitting sound badass. 

Then we had a mixer with the faculty of the student summer program. Free beer and wine. 

Now I have a ton of reading to do tonight for tomorrow's Tolkien session.

My boyfriend came back, jumped right through the window when I returned from the mixer. I think he missed me.
The Magical Books exhibit at Bodleian Library
The Magical Books exhibit at Bodleian Library
The Bridge of Sighs, see the ghost in the glass?
The Bridge of Sighs, see the ghost in the glass?
Yarn Bombing, Mr. Tumnus left his scarf on the lamp post
Yarn Bombing, Mr. Tumnus left his scarf on the lamp post
Oriel Collage, where we had our mixer
Oriel Collage, where we had our mixer
Really cool beer at the mixer
Really cool beer at the mixer
My boyfriend's back and there's gonna be some trouble
My boyfriend's back and there's gonna be some trouble

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