Friday, July 05, 2013

Day 6: Defending Hogwarts

What I also love about Oxford, almost no mosquitoes and Pims, a nectar from the gods.
Today's lively debate centered around the criticism of Harry Potter. Those who know me know I love Harry, but I also admire Byatt, one of the writers of the criticisms we read. But there are plenty of Potterheads in my group, so conversation was quite lively.
Next was a trip to the Bodleian Library. Very beautiful, and the nerd in me was facinated about the way they used to chain the books up and shelve them. They also still make students sign a promise to not bring in an open flame into the library. Got that? No library bonfires.
I tried to visit the Story Museum, but is isn't open to the public, so an excuse to comeback anyone??!! So I went back to my dorm, changed because it is crazy-warm here and wrote a bit in the park that is outside my window and then fell asleep.
Afternoon session was with the writer David Benedictus, who wrote The return to Hundred Acre wood. We had our session outside in the side garden, it was enchanting.
Dinner was next with the Rhode Scholar Oxfordians, and I was sad to learn that I am too old to apply for the Rhodes, so can't live here on that. Any other options? I am willing to accept all crazy ideas.
We then went to a pub the Bear, but an annoying drunk forced us to relocate to our favorite, The Tavern, and I must say, I enjoy a pitcher of pims. Delicious!
Tomorrow I am off to the Kilns with another student here, lunch on the roof deck, and then punting. That's the plan anyway. It will be Alice day here, so really, anything goes! If we can fit in a character tea, that would be awesome, but I really want to go punting. I have a hat and everything!

Bodleian Library, hospital in Harry Potter
Bodleian Library, hospital in Harry Potter
Tour guide at Bodleian, she looks eerily like my aunt Mig
Tour guide at Bodleian, she looks eerily like my aunt Mig
Rooftop view from Corpus Christi.  Our secret lunch hangout.
Rooftop view from Corpus Christi. Our secret lunch hangout.
David Benedictus, reading to us in the garden
David Benedictus, reading to us in the garden

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